computer science for every high schooler

Through independent project-based learning, we teach the technical skills to build websites, apps, and games, providing high schoolers with the tools of the future in a fun, exciting way.

As an affliate of the global nonprofit Hack Club, we have a worldwide network of workshop resources and events.

join us!

Join our weekly meetings, get started on a project, or attend some cool hackathons and workshops

what we offer

all you need to get started with programming


Created by the Hack Club community, each workshop introduces new programming languages and concepts in the form of a cool, new project with tutorials.


Crazy fun 24 hour periods of coding. Stay up with your friends as you create cool projects, whether it's to change the world or just for cool prizes.


We'll give you advice and technical help to get you through your projects, while opening your eyes to new wonders in computer science.